16 February 2009

Don't Trip Over the First Step

Look out for the first step; it's a doozie. The first step is first for a reason. We have to completely submit to the reality that we are powerless over alcohol. How many times had we forgotten this before we got it right? Many of us are still trying to rewrite it a little bit to make it fit more into our lives... good luck with that. We read the first step and, of course, you often get to read the passage that you're meant to hear; the one that fits into your life at that moment. As soon as we get some good things going, a few positives strung together, even a significant life victory, we have to look out. This disease, so cunning, is quietly snickering as it knows how to use our egos against us. We forget that it is by the grace of God that we succeed; it is not of our own hand. And it is when we're feeling good that we may overlook the first step feeling as if we can manage anything. At this moment, you're either on your way to a relapse or a meeting. It's the first drink that kills you. It just takes one. When a you step in front of a speeding train, which is going to kill you, the Locomotive or the caboose? Thanks for letting me share.

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